Risk excellence – how we can help

What we do

Todd Davies & Associates helps organisations to optimise their approach to risk management so that it’s right for their organisation:

  1. Fit for purpose to the risks sought and carried
  2. Manages risk effectively across all categories and horizons
  3. Allows organisations to govern and lead effectively.

When to use us

People normally get us in to address one of the following:

  • Aspiration: They aspire do something but can’t get it happening or are not sure how.
  • Concern: Concerns over what’s being missed or possibly missed.
  • New requirements: A stakeholder or regulatory change has driven a new expectation that is not yet clear on what it is or how to meet it.
  • Frustration: The risk team or process isn’t delivering what’s required and/or in a way that’s useful.
  • Clarity: The way forward is not clear.
  • Fresh eyes: Need for a fresh set of eyes on risk content, process, capability or all three.
  • Coaching and capability build: The team has high potential but isn’t quite landing. They need senior vocational coaching or best practice advice to help them master their craft.
  • Blind spots: The team knows what they know, but there are things happening outside their immediate circle that they’re unlikely to be across.

Who uses us

We work with around 20 organisations every year across all sectors. 

  • New risk executives use us to hone their craft, fast track their development and get greater certainty over what they’re doing.
  • Seasoned risk executives use us as a sounding board to test their thinking and stay fresh.
  • Board / Committee chairs and CxOs get us in to form a view on how things are going, where they need to go, and to bolster their team.
  • Organisations use us to get clarity, define the way forward and to provide transformation support and assist with capability building.

We specialise in complex organisations and organisations where there is a separation of board from management and work with those at the apex of the organisation. 

By drawing from dozens of transformation projects, governance roles and an extensive best practice library we have an exceptional ability to know how to move things forward and build momentum.

These range from well known not for profits through to Australia’s best known companies.  

Where we fit in the market

We specialise in significant and lasting uplifts in risk management capability and performance. 

Our preferred mode is small, short sharp interventions that move things forward.

These usually consist of a bite size workshop, diagnostic or strategy session, followed by support as required either in a mentoring/coaching capacity or through more targeted support as required.

How we work

Risk lessons are portable, templates less so.

Like a good acupuncturist or mechanic, the key is knowing exactly what interventions to make and when. 

We start by forming an initial view on where things are, where they need to be, what’s urgent, what’s not, enablers, barriers and then set out a plan of quick wins through to longer term cultural change.  This is usually done in a workshop format with the relevant executives – either in person or via web conference.

The scope of this could be on a single initiative or pain point through to designing a whole organisation transformation program, and then leading one or more of those initiatives.

In most cases people get us in when the way forward is unclear and they’re trying to work out where to start. This is where we add our greatest value.

When in doubt, get us in early – either for an obligation free discussion or a scoping and planning session. We can’t emphasise enough; this is when we add the most value.

Examples of our work

Some of the many examples of our work include.

Benchmarking and improving your risk function:

  • Diagnostics
  • Best practice benchmarking
  • Risk effectiveness frameworks
  • Transformation plans
  • Transformation support
  • Risk effectiveness reviews

Getting focused on the right risks and leading from the Board down:

  • Material risk reviews
  • Board risk workshops
  • Emerging risk
  • Strategic risk (disruption)
  • Board & executive level risk reporting and overhaul
  • Board-level risk analysis
  • Assurance integration

Leading effectively:

  • Senior executive coaching and mentoring
  • Interim / fractional CRO
  • Audit / risk committee member/chair/advisor
  • Executive search support
  • Capability uplift

Getting started

In nearly every organisation we’ve worked with they’ve got elements of good / great, and other elements that are poor and bordering on lousy.

Things move and it’s not always easy to determine what your current baseline is. This is why we exist.

The first step starts with a 25 minute discussion with Todd.

But before you book one, it’s good to get focused. We suggest the following:

  1. Print out this page and make yourself a cup of tea.
  2. Stop and review the When to use us section at the top of this page. 
  3. Scribble a ton of notes.
  4. Book a 25 minute call with Todd to discuss those and see how we can help. Details on how to do so are at the bottom of this page.

In our 12 years of business we’ve never met a client who we couldn’t help greatly. 

We look forward to you putting this to the test.

Hot right now

Before you go, in any given time horizon we’ve got particular offers that are particularly relevant right now. 

If you don’t have these under control and want a quick place to start, these could be right for you.

Our current ones:

Emerging risk: A process to keep up with and triage latest developments, make sense of them and pull them into appropriate risk response and decision making.

Risk reporting on a page: An approach that allows boards and decision makers to remain oriented during times of extreme change and shifts your risk profile from a “whack a mole” approach into a more enduring and flexible approach.

Sounding board sessions: Working with relevant executives to test their thinking, help gather intelligence and get feedback on their approaches on-the-fly.

In the current COVID environment we’re geared up on these right now and able to support remotely. If you’d like to explore these please get in touch.

Either way, this is a critically important area and never more so than right now. We’re here to help, so please do get in touch.

Go well,
